Affresco Factory > Best projects and TV > TV Projects > Project «Pastel living-room», NTV channel, «Kvartitnyi vopros» TV show

Project «Pastel living-room», NTV channel, «Kvartitnyi vopros» TV show

To create a light concise interior in pastel shades the designer used seamless frescoes with complex gradient by Affresco factory. A smooth, almost imperceptible transition from yellow to white through a mild grey color was performed on a canvas perfectly by Affresco professionals. The frescoes are light and transparent, as if they could feel every single breath of air in the room. The canvases were installed differently on every wall; one goes from white to yellow, another one – yellow to white. The created asymmetry made the room fresher and slightly rough Velure texture made frescoes look even more noble.