Affresco Factory > Best projects and TV > TV Projects > Project « LIVINGING ROOM IN THE GARDEN», NTV channel, «Dachnyi otvet» TV show

Project « LIVINGING ROOM IN THE GARDEN», NTV channel, «Dachnyi otvet» TV show

With panoramic EMPIRE wallpaper with image of an Italian park (art. Italian scenery Color 3) living room  turned into a beautiful garden. Collection of seamless handmade EMPIRE wallpaper is made in the technique of classical painting. The uniqueness of this pattern is that the plot can be extended indefinitely without repetitions on one wall , forming a complete single panorama on all the walls of the room. Matt, slightly velvety Velure texture gave the landscape the nobility and created a sense of hand-painted work on the plastered surface. Especially for this project the designer modified image according to size and proportions of the room, taking into account the location of windows and doors. In this case it’s an individual order and the cost is counted as fresco.